2007年01月24日18時21分掲載  無料記事



 それは”the land of Japs”である。 
 朝鮮中央通信(KCNA)の英文ニュースを検索できるNK Newsという便利なサイトがある。http://www.nk-news.net/index.php そこでJapsという単語を検索すると、1998年に2回、1999年に1回、2002年と2004年にそれぞれ2回、2005年に1回使われている。昨年は12月20日に初めて登場。12月23日以降、「倭国」という意味で”the land of Japs”という言葉が連日のように使われている。 
 Pyongyang, January 14 (KCNA) -- The land of Japs on Jan. 9 upgraded the Defence Agency to a ministry. This is a very dangerous military step taken to reorganize the "Self-Defence Forces" into the offensive armed forces and prepare them so that they may be mobilized for a war of aggression any time. Rodong Sinmun Sunday says this in a signed article. 
 「倭国首相安倍」は英文では”Prime Minister of the land of Japs Abe”と翻訳している。“Japan's Foolish Bid for Permanent Membership of UNSC Ridiculed”と題する1月22日のKCNAの報道はその実例である。 
  Pyongyang, January 22 (KCNA) -- The European junket of Prime Minister of the land of Japs Abe aimed at soliciting support for Japan's bid for permanent membership of the UNSC proved to be failed diplomacy and a "tour for recreation." Rodong Sinmun Monday observes this in a signed commentary. 
 Japanese media are more persistently resorting to diatribes against the dignified Democratic People's Republic of Korea, defaming and wrongly using its name is "North Korea" and "Hokusen" in Japanese. 
 As far as the issue of diplomatic relations and practice are concerned our people are entitled to say something to Japan. 
 The DPRK has no diplomatic relations with Japan. The Korean people have a deep-rooted practice as regards the name of Japan. 
From long ago, the Korean people have called Japan "Wae" in Korean. All the historical records of Korea prove that the official title of Japan was "Wae" and the name of Japan was not used generally. Even today there is little change in Koreans' understanding and practice of calling Japan "Wae". 
If the name of other countries may be wrongly used according to usual practice as the Japanese reactionaries claim, the word "Japan" which the DPRK has used in its official language can immediately change into the word "Wae" without any argument. 
 The Japanese reactionaries' wrong use of the name of the DPRK should never be overlooked. 
If Japan is willing to redress its crimes committed against the Korean people, it should properly do so from a correct stand and immediately stop wrongly using the name of the DPRK. 
 The character "倭" is also believed to have the meaning "dwarf". The character is related to the standard character for "short" (矮, as in 矮人),... Another theory claims that the word meant "docile".It is uncertain whether the character first referred to the Japanese as a people, or if it was a pre-existing word that was borrowed to refer to the Japanese. 
  Both theories are plausible, since ancient Chinese names for non-Chinese peoples often carried pejorative meanings, although it is not definite that the character was used in a pejorative way from the start. 
 In either case, the Japanese were often stereotyped as being short in stature in ancient China and Korea, a stereotype which has only lost its currency in the 20th century. 
 It is therefore probable that because of this connotation, the Japanese substituted the character 倭 ("dwarf") with 和 (harmony); both of which are pronounced in Japanese as "wa". Today, the character 倭 is rarely used in official or public contexts in Japan, China, or Korea. However, it is still used colloquially by the government of North Korea in anti-Japanese propaganda. 
 平壌で発行されているKorean-English Dictionaryでは、「ウェ」(倭)はJapan, Japaneseと訳され、Japとはなっていない。しかし、「ウェノム」(倭奴)はJapanese、Japと訳されている。「ウェナラ」(倭国)は載っていない。 

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