2007年06月11日16時04分掲載  無料記事


【27】「資本主義の王」と国家資産基金 中国の陰謀?

 投資リターンを最大化するために、外貨準備の一部を運用するsovereign wealth fund(SWF)の設立がここ数年相次いでいる。中国が外貨準備のうち30億ドルを米プライベートエクイティ(private equity)大手のブラックストーン・グループに投資することを決めたことで、英文の新聞・雑誌はSWFについて相次いで取り上げている。SWFは巨大化することが見込まれており、外貨準備の債券(bond)から株(equity)へのシフトは国際金融市場に大きな影響を与えそうだ。(鳥居英晴) 
 SWFに関する記事で必ず引用されているのが米国の投資銀行モルガン・スタンレーの通貨首席エコノミスト、スティーブ・ジェン(任永力)のレポートである。彼は、外貨準備のSWFへの構造的シフトの重要性を強調してきた。sovereignとは統治者、主権国という意味。金融関係でよく出てくるsovereign bond(ソブリン債)は、国債、政府機関債など、中央政府により発行・保証された債券。sovereign debt ratingsは国債の格付のことである。レポートの日本語訳では、sovereign wealth fundは「国家資産基金」と訳されている。これが定訳になりそうだ。 
 ブルームバーグ・ニュースのコラムニスト、ウィリアム・ペセックは“A $12 Trillion Monster Threatens Globalization”(12兆ドルのモンスター、グローバリゼーションを脅かす)と題するコラム(6月8日)で次のように述べている。 
 Until now, sovereign wealth funds grew out of oil revenues and were used to stabilize energy markets. Amid high oil prices, they're morphing into public wealth accumulation accounts. And as currency reserves swell, governments are scrambling to make better use of them than parking the cash in U.S. Treasuries. 
 Officials in Beijing, Tokyo, Seoul and elsewhere have in a sense created a financial monster. They can't easily dump reserves; markets will get wind of it, drive asset values lower and leave governments with massive losses. They also can't stop stockpiling reserves because their currencies would surge. 
 Back in the 1980s, Japanese investors bought US properties. In early 2000, Russian investors bought football clubs and Middle Eastern investors bought race tracks. The SWFs of tomorrow are likely to have quite a different taste in assets. 
 Higher-tech companies and even foreign banks could be primary targets of these funds. The US is expected to be defensive on this front. 
 Financial protectionism is the flip-side of trade protectionism, in my view. While the arguments in favor of and against trade protectionism are clear, the pros and cons of resisting foreign capital are not yet clear, and how various countries will react is also unclear. 
 In any case, I believe that there is a distinct risk that foreign funds turning from creditors to owners will trigger reactions from the recipient countries that will undermine globalization. 
 I believe that SWFs will become absolutely massive in size in the not-so-distant future, and will have powerful implications for the financial markets…I am increasingly concerned about financial globalization as a reaction to the emergence of these funds. 
 英誌エコノミスト(5月24日)は、“The world's most expensive club”(世界で一番の金持ちクラブ)と題するSatoshi Kambayashiの記事を載せている。 
 With $1.2 trillion in foreign-exchange reserves and the pool growing by more than $1 billion every day, China casts a giant's shadow over the global financial markets, even if it has mostly used the money to pile up American Treasury bonds. The announcement on May 21st that it would invest $3 billion of its reserves in Blackstone, a New York-based private-equity firm soon to issue shares, shows that it is prepared to barge into murky private markets as well as liquid public ones. 
 Of the biggest sovereign funds, only Norway's provides anything close to transparency. Each year it discloses its investment portfolios and returns. Without such a window on their investments, it is hard to fathom the interests of other funds―how they vote on shareholder motions, for example. There are likely to be questions about strategic objectives, too. What will they care about most? Economic returns, political objectives, securing strategic resources? It will be hard to tell. 
 “Crony capitalism? It is a marriage made in heaven―a partnership that does not want investors to ask questions with a country whose firms do not want investors to ask questions. I worry about the serious conflicts of interest this generates. More generally, government entities shouldn't be in the business of investing in private firms,” opines Raghuram Rajan, of the University of Chicago's Graduate School of Business. 
 フィナンシャル・タイムズは5月24日、“How sovereign wealth funds are muscling in on global markets”(SWFはどのように世界市場に入り込んでいるのか)というTony TassellとJoanna Chungによる記事を載せた。 
 If buying eases, bond yields could rise and prices fall. Although countries with large foreign exchange reserves in US bonds are unlikely to want to risk damaging the value of their investments through heavy sales of them, a greater share of new reserve accumulation will flow into non-bond assets. 
 The operations of SWFs can also raise political issues. Even if they are set up as independent bodies, they still face questions over whether funds are operating on a purely commercial basis or to fulfill broader government aims. “In some cases, assets may be shifted for political-strategic reasons rather than economic and financial reasons,” said the IMF. 
 “The Chinese plot against capitalism An odd coupling of communism and private equity”(反資本主義の中国の陰謀 共産主義とプライベートエクイティの奇妙な組み合わせ)と題するエコノミストのコラム(5月29日)は、ブラックユーモアだと思うが。 
 Private-equity firms are the new kings of capitalism. They buy up controlling stakes in big companies, and raise profitability by improving corporate governance. Until now, that is. What better way for China to set back capitalist industry than by buying into private equity, and thereby exerting its pernicious influence beyond the scrutiny of public stockmarkets? 
 プライベート・エクイティ会社を"new kings of capitalism"と最初に呼んだのはエコノミスト誌(2004年11月25日)である。 
 And don't let's be fooled by all the recent talk that China has embraced capitalism―to the point of allowing that American business icon, Starbucks, to set up shop in the Forbidden City. This is surely a Muhammad Ali-style rope-a-dope move to make the enemy complacent before the decisive blow is struck. This column knows a plot when it sees one. This is China we are talking about―and capitalists, especially Americans, should be afraid, very afraid. 

Copyright (C) Berita unless otherwise noted.
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