2008年10月09日13時22分掲載  無料記事

子供兵士利用の司令官を逮捕・訴追へ 米で新法が成立

 子ども兵士責任追及法(The Child Soldiers Accountability Act)は、15歳未満の子どもを故意に徴兵したり兵士として使用する行為を米国連邦犯罪と見なし、こうした行為が米国外で行われた場合であっても、米国内にいる者を当該犯罪容疑で米国政府が訴追することを可能にするものである。同法は、容疑者の行為により当該子どもが死亡した場合、最高20年までの懲役刑、もしくは終身刑を科すものであり、また、子どもを故意に兵士として採用した者を、国外追放もしくは入国拒否することも認めている。 
 ダービン上院議員は、10月3日に出した声明(http://durbin.senate.gov/showRelease.cfm?releaseId=304082 の中で、「米国は、子どもを兵士として利用する者たちの安全な避難場所であってはならない。絶対に。子どもを戦闘員として使用することは、現在の世界において最も卑劣な人権侵害の一つであり、戦闘員、荷物運び、人間地雷探知機、性奴隷として使用される何十万人という少年少女の生活と人生に影響を及ぼすものである。こうした法に違犯する者の訴追・処罰を可能にするこの新法成立により、米国はこのようなおぞましい行為を絶対に容認しないという明確な意思を表示している」と述べている。 
東京、 土井香苗(英、日):03-3234-9145、090-2301-4372(携帯) 
ニューヨーク、Jo Becker: +1-212-216-1236; or +1-914-263-9643 (mobile) 
 United States: Bush Signs Law on Child Soldiers 
Measure to Prosecute Recruiters Abroad Puts Commanders on Notice 
(New York, October 3, 2008) ? Under a new law signed today by US President George W. Bush, leaders of military forces and armed groups who have recruited child soldiers may be arrested and prosecuted in the United States, Human Rights Watch said today. The law could apply to leaders of dozens of forces that have recruited and used child soldiers in over 20 armed conflicts. 
 The Child Soldiers Accountability Act makes it a federal crime to recruit knowingly or to use soldiers under the age of 15 and permits the United States to prosecute any individual on US soil for the offense, even if the 
children were recruited or served as soldiers outside the United States. The law imposes penalties of up to 20 years, or up to life in prison if their action resulted in the child’s death. It also allows the United States to 
deport or deny entry to individuals who have knowingly recruited children as soldiers. 
 “The US is saying to the world that using child soldiers is a serious crime and that it will take action,” said Jo Becker, children’s rights advocate for Human Rights Watch. “Military commanders who use children can no longer 
come to the United States without the risk of ending up in jail.” 
 The legislation was introduced by Senator Richard Durbin of Illinois and adopted unanimously by both the US House of Representatives and the US Senate in September 2008. 
 In a statement issued on October 3, Senator Durbin said: “The United States must not be a safe haven for those who exploit children as soldiers. Period. The use of children as combatants is one of the most despicable human rights 
violations in the world today and affects the lives of hundreds of thousands of boys and girls who are used as combatants, porters, human mine detectors 
and sex slaves. The power to prosecute and punish those who violate the law will send a clear signal that the U.S. will in no way tolerate this abhorrent practice” 
(http://durbin.senate.gov/showRelease.cfm?releaseId=304082 ). 
 The recruitment and use of children as soldiers was recognized in 1998 as a war crime under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court. In 2007, four former military commanders from Sierra Leone were convicted by 
the Special Court for Sierra Leone for recruiting and using children as soldiers. Rebel and military commanders from the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda have also been charged under the International Criminal 
Court with recruiting and using child soldiers, though none have yet gone to trial. 
 “This new law is a breakthrough because it no longer leaves the prosecution if child recruiters to nternational tribunals and the national courts of conflict-affected countries,” Becker said. “The United States is stepping 
up to hold these war criminals accountable in its own courts.” 
Children are currently used in armed conflicts in at least 17 countries. 
Countries and territories in which children are known to have been used in hostilities between 2004 and 2007 include: Afghanistan, Burma, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Colombia, Cote d’Ivoire, Democratic 
Republic of Congo, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Nepal, Philippines, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Thailand and Uganda. Between 2001 and 2004, child soldiers were also used in Angola, Republic of Congo, 
Guinea, Liberia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Iran, and Yemen. 

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