2015年07月24日18時28分掲載  無料記事


ハン・ヨンスの写真 Photographs of Han Youngsoo 村上良太

  It was this spring when I saw photographs taken by Han Youngsoo, Korean photographer, for the first time.His black and white photographs show us children’s happy lives and people’s daily lives.I didn’t know his name, but I thought Han Youngsoo is a great master. 
  The reason why I was fascinated by his photographs is that they remind me of my childhood though I was born in Japan and I am Japanese. For example, in the 30’s or 40’s of Showa era, big and long concrete pipes were placed everywhere in the vacant places. I don’t know how these pipes were used exactly but perhaps they were used for the construction of infrastructures. It was an era of reconstruction after the war. I myself often played with these pipes, walked through them or hid myself inside of them. I remember cartoonist Fujio Akatsuka often drew concrete pipes for the scenery in his cartoons. 
  Moreover we usually played outside of houses together. We didn’t have personal computers and TV games. Still there were people who didn’t have television sets. Though faces and clothes of Korean children are a little different from us ,but basically children are the same. It was an age when we didn’t have completely what we wanted to have. 
  ハン・ヨンスに連絡を取ってみると、彼はすでに亡くなったと聞いた。「ハン・ヨンスは15年前に亡くなりました。私は娘です。」三女の彼女は父親の写真を世界に紹介する財団を立ち上げて活動しているのだという。いったい、どんな写真家だったのだろう。彼女が送ってくれた資料によると、朝鮮戦争(1950年6月25日 - 1953年7月27日 休戦)が終わったあとの1950年代から60年代のソウルの子供たちの一連の写真で知られていた。もちろん、子供の写真だけではないのだが、子供たちの写真はヨンスの特徴と言って間違いないようだ。 
  When I contacted Han Youngsoo, it was his daughter who responded me saying ‘ My father died 15 years ago.’ Now she works for her father’s photographs to be more seen by the people in the world through the foundation. According to the information she sent to me, one of Han Youngsoo’s originalities lies in the photos of children in the 1950’s and 60’s after the Korean war. 
  I wrote the resemblance between Korea and Japan in the 30’s and 40 ‘s of Showa era , but Korean history was much more hard than the history of Japan after the world war 2 . It was because Koreans had to fight in the Korean war soon after the World war 2. So for the Koreans , reconstruction after the war was much more difficult than that of Japanese. 
■ハン・ヨンスの写真2 Photographs of Han Youngsoo 2 〜懐かしさの理由 Why do I feel nostalgia? 〜 

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