音楽にかける青春 ミラン・ルジェハークさん 留学先のストックホルムからの手紙 Milan Řehák ’Letter from Stockholm’
Accordion player of Czech Republic MILAN REHAK got first prize on several international accordion contests such as Pardubice(Czech), Pula (Croatia) or Saint Petersburg(Russia).Since last September, Milan went to Sweden to study music.Now we got a letter from him.
■What about your life in Sweden?
My current life in Sweden is the result of my primal desire to study here, and this desire has been fulfilled! I’ve been studying under the direction of Anita Agnas at the Royal College of music in Stockholm (KMH) since last September and I really enjoy to stay here in Stockholm! Now, it’s only up to me how I use the time here. So I try to take advantage of my studies and every opportunity as much as I possibly can. During the December, I was back in the Czech Republic because of Christmas concerts and of course, it’s always nice to be at home and with family.
スウェーデンでの今の生活はこの地に留学したかった思いの結果によるものです。その思いは満たされています!昨年の9月からストックホルム音楽大学(KMH)でAnita Agnas先生の指導を受けているんです。そして、このスウェーデンでの滞在を満喫しています! 時間をどう使うかは僕次第です。ですからできるだけ音楽の勉強を効果的にできるように与えられた機会を最大限生かしたいです。12月にチェコに一度帰省しました。クリスマスコンサートのためと、もちろん家族と過ごすためです。それはとてもよいものですよ。
Regarding my common life, I’ve got a really nice place to stay. I live in a privately rented room in Stockholm and I can practise at home even during the night, which is great! Anyway, I try to get in contact with as much people around Stockholm as it is possible in order to get new opportunities. The good thing is that I already know some people here in Sweden (mostly accordionists), which is very useful for many things. Otherwise, I like Stockholm and especially I like the system of education and the mentality of people.
I feel very homey here, because the centre of Stockholm (Gamla stan) and Prague are very alike. Traveling around the city is so comfortable and overall the standard of living in Stockholm is high, this means that the costs of living are also pretty high.
■What does your average day look like?
I’d say it very much depends on my actual targets. Time that I spend with practising accordion is very different. For instance if I practise for a concert or if I feel enormous joy from playing, I practise about 5 or 6 hours a day. In case I have other matters to do, I practise 1-3 hours a day. It happens that sometimes I don’t practise at all, but very rarely. Of course, some days I have to spend certain time in the school or I need to prepare for exams. Furthermore, rehearsals, learning Swedish, handling emails or working on future projects. Anyway, I attempt to read books or at least some articles every day which is particularly important I think.
Another activity that I like very much is playing in an accordion orchestra of the Accordion Club Stockholm once a week. This is a curtain kind of a "musical relaxation". When I get rid of all urgent matters, I go for a walk around the city or on a frozen lake if it is freezing enough, or to a concert. And even though I am a musician, I’m not opposed to attending sport events. For example I’ve recently used the chance to see several tennis matches during the If Stockholm Open.
■Do you have any future plans?
Nowadays, I focus mainly on a chamber music, I’ve started to play duo with my mate, cellist Johannes Ryden. I like the combination of accordion with cello so much! I think that these two instruments sound really good together, cello is like a human voice and accordion makes it even more epic! It is a pretty new collaboration, so we’ve chosen to start with a music of Astor Piazzolla and we are having currently several concerts around Stockholm. Regarding our program, we definitely don’t want to stay only with the music of Astor Piazzolla and we’ll go further on in the near future.
今僕は室内楽を中心にしています。友人のJohannes Rydenとデュオ演奏を始めたところです。チェロとの組み合せが僕はとても好きなんです!チェロとアコーディオンの相性は抜群です。チェロは人の声みたいだし、アコーディオンは叙事詩的なもっと雄大な感じなんです!とても新しい組み合わせです。そして、われわれが選んだのはアストール・ピアソラの曲です。今ストックホルムのあちこちで演奏をしています。曲目についてはピアソラだけに留まらず、いろんな他の曲目もやるつもりなんですよ。
However, I’ve been working on some projects that I want to realize during this summer. One of the greatest plans is, that I want to release a CD in the summer together with number of original music videos. Because now, I’m really into making music videos that are quite untoward among accordionists, whether classical or popular crossover (it doesn't really matter to me which genre of music I play. There are two criteria - it must be a good music and I must experience a pure enjoyment when I play).
Especially I like the idea of music in the connection with a visual art and technologies. As an accordionist, I’m aware of the potential of this kind of communication with audience and its impact to people. I am fascinated that technologies can help to spread music around the world, no matter where you come from or who you are. So at present, I have a pretty exact vision about my next steps in this field. And I’ve been looking forward to what I’ll be able to create.
■Are you having any concerts soon?
Well, I'll play with Johannes our program of Piazzolla on 10th of February in Kulturhuset in Stockholm. Then we'll perform at the Chamber music festival "Kom & Hor" at KMH on 20th of February, where I’ll also perform an accordion duo with my schoolmate Mara Peice. Another chance to hear me and Johannes will be during the Hesselby chamber music festival on 3rd of March.
2月10日にストックホルムのKulturhusetでチェロ奏者のJohannesとピアソラのコンサートをやります。2月20日にはストックホルム王立音楽学校で室内楽フェスティバル「Kom&Hor」が行われますが、そこで演奏します。そこではアコーディオンデュオを学友のMara Peiceと行う予定です。またJohannesと僕は3月3日にHesselby室内楽フェスティバルで演奏する予定です。
■Heal the world [Michael Jackson Cover]
■リベルタンゴ (チェロ奏者Johaness Ryden氏とのデュオ)
LIBERTANGO (Johannes Ryden & Milan Rehak)
■A.Astier’La Tempete'
■音楽にかける青春 アコーディオン奏者、ミラン・ルジェハークさん(21) 「アコーディオンは大きな可能性を秘めた未開拓の楽器」 'Accordion is an instrument with a great potential and with possibilities' (Milan Rehak)
Copyright (C) Berita unless otherwise noted.