2016年05月29日23時31分掲載  無料記事


パリの「立ち上がる夜」 フランス現代哲学と政治の関係を参加しているパリ大学の哲学者に聞く Patrice Maniglier

I interviewed Professor Patrice Maniglier, moderator of the general assambly of Nuitdebout. He teaches philosophy at Paris university. I wonder what is the relation between his philosophy and Nuitdebout movement. 
Patrice Maniglier's answer. 
  ' Nuit Debout matches my conception of philospohy perfectly. Philosophy for me is the encoutner with something that forces you to reconsider what you think is problematic. This is a Deleuzian conception of philosophy. With Nuit Debout this is what happened to me. The ready-made categories (like horiztonality/verticality, reform/revolution, reflection/action, particularity/universality, etc.) are not relevant there. You need to reinvent the very formulation of the problem. This is why I say that Nuit Debout is for me a "thought-experiment" in the highest sense of the term. 
Besides, Nuit Debout is the attempt at creating something new in a context where traditional ways of mobilizing and enrolling people are not wokring very well (parties, unions, etc.). As a consequence, it presents the characteristic of a sort of live experiment for the creation of a political force. This is simply philosophically fascinating. 
At last I must say that the kind of philosophy I teach, French philosophy from the 60s 70s (Foucault, Deleuze, Structuralism), is deeply linked to May 68 (even before and after). The very conception of thought those people had, and I inherited it from them, is a conception of thought as a form of struggle, as a way of fighting. It is linked to rebellion. It is an attempt at objecting to all forms of power. Thinking is resisting, by nature - that is something I deeply believe. I have waited all my life for such an event, an event similar to May 68 in the sense that it is political (and not only social and vindicative) and radical, an collective expression of the refusal to obey. This is enough of a reason for me to get involved in Nuit Debout. I hope this helps you understanding why I am there. 
Patrice Maniglier 
パリ大学 ナンテール校 
■「レ・タン・モデルヌ誌」(Les Temps Modernes) サルトル、ボ―ヴォワール、メルロー・ポンティらが創刊 今も時代のテーマを取り上げる パトリス・マニグリエ(Patrice Maniglier パリ大学教授・哲学者) 
■フランスの現地ルポ 「立ち上がる夜 <フランス左翼>探検記」(社会評論社)  村上良太 

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