2018年02月12日20時43分掲載  無料記事


カイロの猫たちの記録( Cat in Cairo " The Beast ")  美猫コンテスト Heather Hermit 

  Russian designer ,Heather Hermit stays in Cairo with two cats named The Beast and Sekhmet. Sekhmet is always hungry even though she ate a lot of chicken. On the other hand, The Beast enjoys tranquil time but often Sekhmet bothers her. Hermit wrote a short story of cats after having observed two cats for months. 
■美猫コンテスト " Cat beauty contest " 
Once upon a time The Beast and Sekhmet were holding a beauty contest in order to finally find out who is the most beautiful cat. They dressed nicely and posed with red ribbons so that everyone could see and admire their grace and sophistication. 
  But Sekhmet tried to cheat and bribe the jury with some nice treats: chicken and tuna and even some sashimi. She prepared a big bowl of food for the jury and was on her way to the contest. 
But suddenly she got very hungry seeing so much good food in front of her. She ate a small piece of chicken and another one and another one. And another one. 
Suddenly she noticed that all the food suddenly disappeared and Sekhmet felt so full that she decided to take a nap. In the bowl. She was dreaming she is a bird in the nest on the top of the mountain and there were nice fish and chicken and even sashimi flying around her in the air. 
  The Beast won the beauty contest because her rival Sekhmet never appeared and because The Beast is the most beautiful and elegant cat in the world. She asked what was the prize. But there was no prize! (Actually there was a prize, but Sekhmet ate it also.) 
The Beast was so angry! “What's the whole point of being pretty on the outside when you cannot have your prize inside?” asked The Beast. 
Heather Hermit ( Irina Goryacheva ) 
◎ Please, support the Egyptian cats with your donation if you want to help.No matter the amount, we are grateful to any support. The money will go directly to one of the animal shelters or vet clinics in Egypt. Please make your donation via Paypal to : 
■カイロの猫たちの記録( Cat in Cairo " The Beast ")  Heather Hermit 
■ロシア構成主義の建築物の場所を示したモスクワ地図 「なぜ私たちはこの地図を今、作ったか?」 デザイナーの一人にインタビュー 'Save the Constructivist buildings in Moscow.' 

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