【アフガニスタン】アフガンNGO、女性の識字教育を始める 谷山博史
9月8日タリバーンは暫定政府の閣僚人事の一部を発表しました。断定副首相の一人に安保理制裁対象のアフンド(Mullah Mohammad Hasan Akhund)がおり、内相に強硬派のハッカニ・ネットワークの指導者でアメリカが指名手配しているシラジュディン・ハッカニ(Sirajudin Haqqani)がついたことは、予想していたいこととはいえ先行きが決して楽観はできないことを顕にしました。しかもハッカニ・ネットワークの幹部が他にも2人閣僚に入っています。サビルラによれは全てタリバーンのメンバーでしかもパシュトーン人。インクルーシブな政府とはとても言えません。暫定政府とはいえ、正式政府が大きくかわるとも思えません。
(たにやま・ひろし JVC前代表)
◆ 写真はJVCが行っていた識字教育の一場面。2020年.識字教育の活動はピース・アクションの活動と共に現地ではYVO(Your Voice Organizatin)に、日本では平和村ユナイテッドに引き継がれました。どちらもJVCの元スタッフが立ち上げたNGOです。
The government of Nangarhar Province has given permission for women's literacy education activities. Sabirullah , director of an Afghan NGO, negotiated with the authorities and obtained a written permit.
Moreover, female staff were also allowed to engage in activities. YVO has started Recruiting of female teachers.
This is a breakthrough. In notification from the prefectural NGO commission in August to all NGOs it was said that female staff would be allowed to work only in the fields of medical care and education,
but it was in jeopardy. Moreover, not for public education but for the empowerment of adult women through literacy education. It was previously unthinkable that literacy education for would be
ACBAR, a coalition of NGOs, of which Sabirullah is an executive committee member, has held meeting with the Taliban many times. Sabirlluah himself obtained through repeated dialogues with the Taliban.
It is small by the standards of the international community, but itis a big achievement in the current situation in Afghanistan.
8th September, the Taliban announced some of the interim government's ministerial appointments. It's not surprising that one of the interim deputy prime ministers was Mullah Mohammad Hasan Akhund, who was subject to Security Council sanctions, and the interior minister was
Shirajudin Haqqani, a leader of the hardline Haqqani Network and wanted by the United States. It has become clear that the future can never be optimistic. Moreover, two other Haqqani Network executives
have joined the cabinet. All of them are members of the Taliban and are Pashtuns.It's not an inclusive government. Even though it is a provisional government, I don't think the formal government will
change significantly.
Negative media coverage has already begun. How will the international community react? Will you refrain from negotiating with the Taliban?
Would the Taliban be flickered because the ministers have sanctioned or wanted people? Or will it actually impose sanctions? Or will it actually impose sanctions? There is a risk that bad cycle will develop into. At such times, I would like to keep in mind what Sabirullah said.
"The international community should never impose sanctions on the Taliban because of the presence of Afund or Haqqani. Sanctions have serious impacts for the Afghan people."
"Don't close the pipe of dialogue. You should be able to interact and change while interacting. Each new outcome should change the Taliban, as we did in rural areas. What we can do in the countryside should also affect the center. "
Copyright (C) Berita unless otherwise noted.