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米大手証券ベアー・スターンズが経営破たんし、連邦準備制度理事会(FRB)の支援のもと、JPモルガン・チェースに身売りされることになった。一方で、サブプライム・ローン(信用度の低い借り手向け住宅ローン)で住宅を購入した人たちがローンの支払いができずに住宅を差し押さえられる (foreclosure)ケースが急増している。こうした記事の中で出てくるのが、“Wall Street”(ウォールストリート)と“Main Street”(メインストリート)を対比した表現である。(鳥居英晴9
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and the Bush administration on Thursday defended the decision to rescue Bear Stearns amid questions by lawmakers about why the government was helping Wall Street investment houses but not people on Main Street. (AP通信4月4日)
Democrats accused the White House and other Republicans of helping Wall Street while ignoring Main Street. (米紙ワシントン・ポスト4月11日)
Bear Stearns's beleaguered staff looked on in bemusement yesterday as a crowd of some 200 struggling homeowners burst into the firm's headquarters to protest at the US government's involvement in a rescue takeover.
Chanting "not Wall Street but Main Street" and waving colourful placards, the group shouted objections to the use of Federal Reserve money in guaranteeing JP Morgan Chase's $1.2bn (£600m) buyout, which saved the bank from bankruptcy. (英紙ガーディアン3月27日)
“Wall Street”は米国の金融街のことで、“Main Street”は米国のどの町にも見られる地元の大通りのこと。
Wikipediaは“Wall Street”と“Main Street”について、次のように説明している。
As a figure of speech contrasted to “Main Street," the term "Wall Street" can refer to big business interests against those of small business and the working or middle class. It is sometimes used more specifically to refer to research analysts, shareholders, and financial institutions such as investment banks. The idea of "Main Street" conjures up images of locally owned businesses and banks. While the phrase "Wall Street" is commonly used interchangeably with the phrase "Corporate America", it is also sometimes used in contrast to distinguish between the interests, culture, and lifestyles of investment banks and those of Fortune 500 industrial or service corporations.
(”Main Street”と対照的な比喩的表現として、”Wall Street”という言葉は小企業や労働者階級や中産階級の利益に反する大企業の利益を指すことがある。それは時として、もっと具体的に調査アナリスト、株主、投資銀行などの金融機関を指すこともある。“Main Street”というと、地元所有の企業や銀行のイメージを想起させる。一方、“Wall Street”という言葉は通常、“Corporate America”(米国の実業界)という言葉と同じ意味で使われる。投資銀行の利益、文化、ライフスタイルとフォーチュン500社の産業やサービス会社のそれらを対比して区別するために使われることもある)
In the general sense, the term "Main Street" refers to a place of traditional values. In the North American media, "Main Street," or the interests of small business is sometimes contrasted with "Wall Street" (in the United States) or "Bay Street" (in Canada), symbolizing the interests of corporate capitalism. For example, in the middle 20th century the Republican Party was sometimes divided between "Wall Street" (socially liberal) and "Main Street" (socially conservative) factions, of which the latter came to predominate late in the century
(一般的な意味では、“Main Street”は伝統的な価値の場所を指す。北米のメディアでは、“Main Street”(小企業の利益)は時に、企業資本主義の利益を象徴する“Wall Street”(米国)、“Bay Street”(カナダ)と対照をなす。例えば、20世紀中ごろ、共和党は時に、“Wall Street”(社会問題にリベラル)と “Main Street”(社会問題に保守的)は派閥に分けられ、後者が後に支配的になった)
Investopediaでは業界用語として、“Main Street”を次のように説明している。
Shorthand for "the investing public"--in the same way that "Wall Street" is used to refer to investment professionals and brokers.
(「一般投資家」の省略表現。同じ意味で“Wall Street”は投資の専門家、ブローカーを指す)
“Main Street”が実体経済(real economy)を意味することもある。
世界最大の債券運用会社、PIMCOのポール・マカリーの報告(2007年8/9月)には What should the Fed do to minimize the impact of the bust on both Wall Street and Main Street?という表現があるが、同社の日本語訳では「FRBは住宅不況が金融市場と実体経済に与える影響を最小限にとどめるため何をすべきか」となっている。
Bloomberg のJohn M. BerryはPlaying Politics at the Corner of Wall and Mainと題するコラム(3月31日)で次のように述べている。
``Economic times are tight on Main Street as well as Wall Street, and we have a responsibility to all taxpayers to review the details of this deal,'' Baucus said. Such a review is appropriate. What isn't appropriate is continuing to play populist politics by pretending that the interests of Main Street and Wall Street aren't aligned when the stability of the financial system is at stake.
民主党のヒラリー・クリントン上院議員とバラク・オバマ上院議員も大統領選での選挙演説で”Wall Street”と”Main Street”を対比させている。
“As a senator from New York, I am keenly focused on the impact of these market developments on the lives and livelihoods of thousands of New Yorkers and on the New York economy as a whole. I am also reminded everyday as I meet with families and listen to their stories that the effective function of our market isn’t just about Wall Street, it is about Main Street. It’s about the families I meet that are struggling to fend off foreclosures and stay in their homes. It’s about construction workers who used to build houses and are now out of work. It’s about the college student who has good credit but is struggling to get a loan.”(クリントン3月17日)
“The results have been a distorted market that creates bubbles instead of steady, sustainable growth – a market that favors Wall Street over Main Street, but ends up hurting both. Nor is this trend new. The concentrations of economic power and the failures of political system to protect the American economy and American consumers from its worst excesses have been a staple of our past, most famously in the 1920s when such excesses ultimately plunged the country into the Great Depression.”(オバマ3月27日)
メディアにおけるanti-free enterprise culture(反企業文化)を監視するのが使命というBusiness & Media Instituteは4月2日、メディアはMedia pit ‘Main Street’ against Wall Street(メインストリートをウォールストリートに対抗させている)とするJeff Poorの記事は次のように述べている。
After the Federal Reserve engineered JPMorgan Chase’s takeover of beleaguered investment bank Bear Stearns, some media outlets portrayed the act as the government bailing out Wall Street while ignoring the problems on Main Street.
その例としてABCのScott Mayerowitzの報告を挙げている。
“Wall Street investors couldn’t applaud enough last week when the Federal Reserve rode in and rescued investment bank Bear Stearns from bankruptcy,” Scott Mayerowitz wrote for ABC News in a March 25 story headlined “Bear Gets Billions, But What About You?” “But now, Main Street wants to know what justifies a taxpayer-backed bailout of the investment bank, especially with no congressional oversight. And, skeptics wonder, why undertake such a plan when it doesn't help the mom-and-pop store struggling down the road or the thousands of Americans who might lose their homes?”
“Main Street” and Wall Street are competing entities, according to the media. What’s good for one might even be bad for the other. It’s a theme that echoes throughout the Democratic presidential campaign. Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) made the comparison five times in his March 27 speech on the economy in New York City.
(メディアによれば、”Main Street”とWall Streetは競合する存在である。一方に良いものは、他方に悪い。それは民主党の大統領選で繰り返されるテーマである。バラク・オバマ上院議員はニューヨークでの3月27日の経済に関する演説で5回にわたり比較した)
The media don’t see the two “Streets” as interdependent. One of the ways Wall Street/Main Street relationship is often characterized is that what’s good for Wall Street hurts people on Main Street.