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共著「Rethinking Representations of Asian Women」(再考・アジアの女性をどう描くか)
アジアの研究者が共通のテーマで書いた「Rethinking Representations of Asian Women」(再考・アジアの女性をどう描くか)というタイトルの本があり、英語圏で発表されています。日本から伊地知紀子教授(大阪市立大学)も編集者の一人として参加し、また1つの章を担当しています。以下の紹介文は筆者の一人である伊地知氏によります。
(<Imperial Japan and the Female Skin Divers(Chamsu) of Jeju Island, South Korea> Today, it is quite rare to find female skin divers in regions outside of Japan and South Korea. Jeju Island, the topic of this chapter, is the leading region in South Korea for female skin diving. Studies on chamsu, the female skin divers of Jeju Island, commenced during the colonial period as a field of Japanese research on the Korean peninsula, and have since expanded to incorporate folkloristics, ecology, and geography as well.
This scholarship was later taken up in South Korea at the end of the colonial period, focusing mainly on aspects of physical prowess and social structure. Given that chamsu formed the economic nucleus of their region, maintaining the home and raising children, myths were constructed on the Korean mainland about these “tenacious” women.
Behind this was the reality that there were no income opportunities for men on the island other than small-scale fishing and migration until the tourism industry was introduced in the 1980s.
Further, due to their unique method of fishing, chamsu received special attention for their peculiarities,” and were treated as mirrors reflecting both the history and culture of Jeju Island and were used to gain foreign appeal as well(Choa et al. 2006). From this interpretation, however, it is exceedingly difficult to envision the actual everyday life of chamsu.Taking historical dynamism into account, this chapter attempts to interpret the everyday life of chamsu who continue to migrate to Japan in search of work while closely examining their daily experiences.
These women have migrated overseas to dive as hired labor since the end of the nineteenth century. The Japanese colonization of Korea set the stage for this movement. While these circumstances forced many to dive, mainly along the Korean Peninsula and in Japan, we observed cases of those who remained in Japan for the long term in addition to those who returned to Jeju Island.
Chamsu’s labor migration to Japan halted briefly following the end of colonial rule, but continued domestically,as diving wages had become a main source of income. Until the liberalization of overseas travel in 1989, many traveled to Japan as stowaways, including those women who made a living as divers upon arrival.
Given the shrinking number of Japanese female divers referred to from here on as ama and the great demand for highgrade shellfish, there are chamsu operating in Japan to this day.
As opposed to Jeju Island, where diving is possible only two weeks a month, Japan offers the chance to dive year-round by changing locations. These earnings continue to support their livelihoods upon traveling back to Jeju Island. In this way, chamsu lived in a socially and historically charged environment in which they had to become “tenacious.”
Foremost, this chapter provides a general outline of the implementation of the market capitalist economy during the colonial period as well as the internal and external conditions of the Korean Peninsula’s liberation from Japanese colonization in 1945, which produced various environmental changes that forced chamsu to widen their sphere of action.
Further, through a specific example of chamsu whose labor migration to Mie Prefecture, Japan, is ongoing, this chapter considers the manner in which they have adapted to modifications in the postwar social structure that initially prompted their migration.)
■済州島からの訪問者 伊地知紀子(大阪市立大学教授)
「Rethinking representations of Asian Women」(再考・アジアの女性をどう描くか)
