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アメリカの警察による殺人 ジェローム・カラベル(カリフォルニア大学バークレイ校 名誉教授) “Police Killings Surpass the Worst Years of Lynching, Capital Punishment, and a Movement Responds ” By Jerome Karabel
“Police Killings Surpass the Worst Years of Lynching, Capital Punishment, and a Movement Responds”
Those killed by the police are of course not representative of the population; the investigation by the Guardian and the Washington Post tell us who they are. About 95 percent are male, and approximately half are 34-years-old or younger. African-Americans are heavily over-represented among the dead, at about one in four 〜 double their percentage of the population. Whites constitute about half of those killed by the police and Hispanics 15 percent, with the remainder Asian-Americans, Native-Americans, and “unknown.” According to the Guardian, about one in four of those killed by the police 〜 more than 250 people per year 〜 suffer from mental illness.
Though 88 percent of those killed by the police die by gunshot, death by other means is not uncommon. Tasers, advertised as a “safe” alternative to guns, can be lethal; through October 31 of this year, tasers had killed 47 people. Death from being struck by police vehicles, often in car chases that take innocent lives, resulted in 31 deaths during the first ten months of 2015. Death in custody 〜 the tragic case of Freddie Gray in Baltimore is the best known 〜 has taken 35 lives. African-Americans have been disproportionately frequent victims of deaths by taser and in custody, comprising 38 percent and 32 percent of all victims, respectively, compared to 24 percent of all police killings (with 11 percent “unknown”).
Though the horrifying and historically powerful image of the unarmed black man shot by a policeman is now firmly imprinted in the public’s mind, the majority of those killed by the police are in fact armed. But not all weapons are as deadly as guns; in the Guardian study, almost one-third were non-gun weapons, including baseball bats, machetes, and knives. In some cases, what seemed to be a gun turned out to be a fake gun: a BB gun, an air gun, and 〜 in a few tragic instances 〜 a toy gun held by a teenager.
But there is no question that policing in America is a dangerous job and that law enforcement officers sometimes face genuinely lethal threats. Yet it is also true that no small number of the people killed by the police are unarmed. Here the Guardian and Washington Post investigations diverge sharply, with the Guardian and the Post identifying 189 and 77 such cases, respectively, through October 31st of this year. But the difference is more apparent than real, for the Post only includes those individuals who are shot by the police, while the Guardian includes deaths by taser, police vehicles, and in custody as well as shooting.
Since it is police shootings of the unarmed that are at the epicenter of the current controversy, these cases warrant special scrutiny. The particulars of each case vary yet there is a pattern in who is killed; of the 77 such cases documented by the Washington Post, 36 percent are black men. This is well above the figure for all police killings and, when combined with the over-representation of African Americans among those killed by tasers and in custody (almost all of whom were unarmed), the overall pattern confirms that special sense of vulnerability felt by black people in their encounters with the police is founded in reality.
4 November 2015(The Huffington Post )
Jerome Karabel Professor of sociology, University of California at Berkeley
ジェローム・カラベル (カリフォルニア大学バークレイ校 社会学 名誉教授)
■「大いなる幻影:流動性、不平等とアメリカンドリームについて」ジェローム・カラベル(カリフォルニア大学バークレイ校 名誉教授)”Grand Illusion: Mobility, Inequality, and the American Dream” By Jerome Karabel
■アメリカの警察による殺人 ジェローム・カラベル(カリフォルニア大学バークレイ校 名誉教授) “Police Killings Surpass the Worst Years of Lynching, Capital Punishment, and a Movement Responds ” By Jerome Karabel
■「Democratic Debacle 民主党の敗北」The defeat of Hillary Clinton was a consequence of a political crisis with roots extending back to 1964. ヒラリー・クリントンの敗北の根っこは1964年に遡る ジェローム・カラベル(社会学)
ジェローム・カラベル(社会学者 カリフォルニア大学バークレイ校・名誉教授)Jerome Karabel (Professor of sociology, University of California at Berkeley)著書に「The Chosen: The Hidden History of Admission and Exclusion at Harvard, Yale, and Princeton (Houghton Mifflin, 2005) 」The Diverted Dream: Community Colleges and the Promise of Educational Opportunity in America, 1900-1985, with Steven Brint (Oxford University Press, 1989)」などがある。高等教育における機会均等などの研究のほか、幅広いテーマで多数の分析記事なども書いている。