Twice in my life, I chose to stop working in order to raise my children. After the first break, I re-started as a youth leader for children and teenagers. The second time, I became a secretary in a public kindergarten.
Nowadays, my work is mainly paperwork and receiving the people. This job, which may seem trivial, but provides important information to families who contact to our office. I'm in charge of guiding them to the correct administrations.
I also work with a theater company, whose shows are for toddlers. We work together so that the babies of the kindergarten come to watch.We have to organize meetings with the adults in charge of them, to explain them the interest of those shows. At first, they show some reluctance but later everybody is fascinated !
Every two years, the company organizes the ”Premieres rencontres europeennes "(First european meetings) with companies from everywhere in Europe.There is a real collaboration between all companies from Finland, Germany, Spain... And everything is made for the children, from 6 months to 4 years old.
I also participate in the writing of a book about that experience, in collaboration with a teacher doing researches on early childhood and culture.
Text Rejane Boyer
Translation into English Charlotte Boyer
村上良太 Ryota Murakami
■家族の肖像 フランス その5 夫はこう考えた・・・ Family portrait in France #5 Marcel Boyer "I think the best is ecologic socialism"
■家族の肖像 フランス その4 社会主義者の娘シャルロット Family portrait in France #4 Daughter of socialists, Charlotte
■家族の肖像 フランス その3 Family portrait in France #3 結婚と町での暮らし
■家族の肖像 フランス その2 Family portrait in France #2 民衆の歴史を振り返る
■家族の肖像 フランス