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コールターは3月2日、保守派の団体 Conservative Political Action Conferenceのワシントンでの集まりで次のように述べた。
I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word “faggot,” so I -- so kind of an impasse, can't really talk about Edwards.
"go into rehab"とは、俳優のイザイア・ワシントンが1月のゴールデン・グローブ賞授賞式で、「グレイズ・アナトミー 恋の解剖学」でのゲイの共演者TR・ナイトのことを”faggot” と呼んだことで、カウンセリングを受けるためにリハビリ施設入りしたことを指している。
ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙の3月4日付(電子版)によると、コールターは共和党から非難が出ていることについての同紙の問いにメールで 、''C'mon, it was a joke. I would never insult gays by suggesting that they are like John Edwards. That would be mean.'' (やだ、冗談ですよ。ゲイがジョン・エドワードのようだと言ってゲイを侮辱してはいません。それは卑劣になるでしょ)
It isn't offensive to gays. It has nothing to do with gays. It's a schoolyard taunt, meaning wuss. And unless you're telling me that John Edwards is gay, it was not applied to a gay person.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKVwrHQXXaY スクリプトは
コールターは以前にも、クリントン前大統領のことを "latent homosexuality"(潜在的同性愛)と言ったり、ゴア前副大統領を "total fag"と呼んだことがある。
”Media Matters for America"によると、コールターのコラムを掲載しているのは全米で100紙。13日現在で、そのうち9紙がaggot発言で掲載を止めた。
faggot(fagot)はもともと"bundle of sticks"(薪の束)という意味だが、どのように侮蔑語に変わっていったのかははっきりしない。
Dailyillini.com(3月7日電子版)は 'Faggot' is more than just a bundle of sticksと題する Eric Naingの次のようなコラムを載せている。
The word faggot when used as a slur carries a lot of weight. Literally, a "faggot" is a bundle of sticks used for firewood. Some connect this with the alleged practice of burning homosexuals in medieval England. Others say it refers to the sixteenth century term "faggot-gatherer" which was an old woman who gathered wood. This is probably where the term was linked to being effeminate. Even among the gay community, the word is used by some to demean homosexuals who don't conform to traditional male gender roles.
Coulter is right that kids across the country call each other "gay" and "faggot" but that does not make those words any less harmful. If anything, her use of that word in a speech to the conservative elite shows that her maturity level is on par with the average 12-year-old. Of course, I would not expect anything less from a 45-year-old woman with poorly bleached hair who still wears miniskirts on cable news. To their credit, some Republican presidential candidates, pundits and bloggers have condemned Coulter. Her words hurt conservative movement just as much as they hurt homosexuals.
<a href="http://media.www.dailyillini.com/media/storage/paper736/news/2007/03/07/OpinionColumns/faggot.Is.More.Than.Just.A.Bundle.Of.Sticks-2761474.shtml" target="_bkank">'Faggot' is more than just a bundle of sticks - Opinion Columns</a>